Continued from....The importance of Tradition
Traditions are obviously seen within countries, counties and just areas as well. Recently I was at a wake in a different part of the country and people brought bottles of whiskey and boxes of beer – I had never seen anything like that before!
But let’s get back to families. I reflected on my own family and some of the traditions we do, and why I love them. I think the traditions create a bond, a bond that no one else shares, a bit like the bond of childhood friends, you can’t explain it, but it just feels different between childhood friends and adult friends. Or the bond between long term partners, the little things we know about each other that no one else knows, simple stuff that you notice over and over, like the way they make their tea.
And take note that traditions are not the same as routine. Routine is the thing that happens every day much the same, but with very little meaning, it’s more about getting a task done, than making it a special experience.
Let’s look at the benefits of family traditions;
1.Creates a value system.
2.Creates a feeling of safety in children as they learn they are part of something unique.
3.Creates a closeness and bond between family members.
4.Creates belonging, connection & security.
5.Creates memories and history, sometimes over generations.
One of our family traditions is that when a new jar of Nutella gets opened, I get to open it, and everyone has to be silent because I love the sound of the lid opening the first time, and the sound of piercing the foil lid, and ‘slicing’ it open. I know, it’s totally weird. What can I say, I have no excuse!
Some family traditions I have came across over the years are;
•Wakening up the birthday child with their candles-lit birthday cake.
•Walking the birthday child into the kitchen, where all their presents are, while covering their eyes.
•Cutting a piece of bacon in half before cooking it, regardless of its size.
•Making funny shaped pancakes.
•Making funny shaped chips.
•Decorating the Christmas tree together while playing Christmas music and eating chocolate.
•Movie night, but all in pyjamas.
•Volunteering for a good cause, as the entire family.
•Special Sunday breakfast.
So there really isn’t a particular thing to do, it seems that families do random stuff, just because. The important thing is that they do something and I even think the simpler and more nonsensical the better.
Have fun with it, it’s your thing, no need to tell anyone, no justification needed, no educational element warranted. Just simple fun and bonding. xx