Continued from...What is beauty?
Some classic material beauties are things like flowers, crystals/diamonds, mountain ranges, sunsets & sunrises, mirror-like lakes, and many more - most of us agree that they are beautiful.
Then we can get into more specific tastes involving colour, texture, context and here we sometimes can see the other persons point, but may not agree, it might like, yeah, kinda…
For example, I love Gorse, the big plant that grows wild, a lot on bogs, and has a lovely yellow flower at this time of year. My husband calls them weeds!
Sadly then, the really common simple things, are also less often remarked upon, less often confirmed to each other that they are in fact beautiful, and so we forget…
The sea waves playing with the sand…
Like a dandelion blowing it’s seeds in the wind…
Autumn leaves swirling to the ground…
A tiny bird, hopping between branches…
When is the last time you looked at your garden for example, even at this time of year, and consciously picked out things you found beautiful?
And what about the non-material things? The things you can see but cannot touch, the things that are fleeting and can only be revisited in our hearts…
A baby smiling at its mother, totally besotted…
A granny and toddler reading a story book together…
A teenager initiating giving their parent a hug…
Foals playing in a fresh field of grass…
A melody…
A piece of writing, a poem…
An old couple holding hands…
There are so many things but we often just don’t notice long enough to feel the emotions these images or situations bring out in us.
We allow our everyday lives to drown out the beauty of everyday wonders.
Are you ready to bring them back?
Are you ready to stop briefly every now and again to remind yourself to look up and practice noticing?
Then at night, you could add your experiences into your journaling ritual – if you don’t journal, why not start. Journaling positive things like your gratitudes, your wins, your achievements and the things you noticed as beautiful, they all have the same result; you notice more of them.
By noticing, reflecting , pondering and indeed writing down these things, we activate a filter in our brain that helps us look for more. Us noticing, makes us notice more.
I’m sure you have had the situation where if you were thinking about buying a certain car or pair of shoes, you suddenly see them everywhere, or people would say that when trying to get pregnant, they see pregnant women everywhere.
But it’s not that the car, or the shoes or the women suddenly got more, they were there all the time, you just switched on your filter to see them.
You decided to take more notice.
And the more you notice and focus, the more you notice and focus…
So, regardless of what you are trying to buy, achieve or create in your life, start taking more notice of things you find beautiful.
When you notice, as you notice; pay attention as to how you feel and where in your body you feel it. Hold that lovely feeling for a moment and when you get practiced at this, reflect on what you can bring into your life to bring you more of that feeling.
Place beautiful things into your life; make things, collect from nature, if you want you can spend money to do this, but you really don’t have to.
Forget fashion and trends.
Don’t mind what your neighbours or mother-in-law says.
Be true to you, find your beauty and surround yourself with it.
Keep it simple.
Keep it real.
Notice often.
Feel the emotion rise in your heart.
Lock it in and when you journal on it, connect to it again and again.